The Blac & Bleu Book writing contest was established in 2021 by BatalP - ii - smm - radio The iiRadio book-mark award was created to promote and integrate education into our media programming, along with acknowledgement of the next generation of political on air contributors and online educators. A vast majority of traditional educational institutions fail to offer the necessary extracurricular activities for aspiring writers. In an honest effort to combat thses drawbacks, most students turn to outside sources to get recognition for their writing success. As a production magazine we would like to present the tool and opportunity for aspiring writers to combat these drawbacks, show case their craft, and win a combination of cash, prizes and discounted services from participating service providers. The Blac & Bleu Book is our offered solution. Many top writing contests will offer cash prizes, scholarship to a summer writing program and most importantly, multiple levels of recognition. Gaining recognition from a production magazine designed to connect the average consumer with businesses in their local community can go a long way towards building a strong candidate profile................The Blac & Bleu Book is the official production magazine of Batal Productions and sponsored by our independent internet social media marketing radio station BatalP-ii-smm-radio. Our goal as a production company is to connect the average everyday consumer, connect with businesses in their local community. The Blac & Bleu Book writing contest is a quarterly event and must have a minimum of two hundred and fifty participants to continue. All contest winners will feature on the cover of our producton magazine's quarterly issue, with the most likely to succeed as a writer on the forefront. The Blac & Bleu Book writing contest, sponsored by our independent radio stationmust have a minimum of two hundred and fifty participants to progress and a maximum of onethousand participants per quarter. In the event our contest fail to meet the minimum required participants the contest will automatically roll over into the next quarter, with no re-entry requirements.