Marketing is a core concept behind everything that evolves around our daily life. The consumer need to be educated on your unique products and/or services you have to offer on a consistent basis, before a sale can be initiated. Along with generating a sale comes retention. It may cost you twice the investment to acquire a new customer, than it is to retain one. Politicians have to sell the public on their ideas to get bills passed.
When going on a job interview, you have to sell yourself to the employer and convince them, that you are the right person for the position. As an aspiring Musician, Entrepreneur, or even just the average joe, once the consumer, client or workplace is sold on your ideas and what you stand for, you officially become branded. A good employee, a good citizen, a criminal or great musician. The Blac and Bleu book is the official Production Magazine of Batal Productions. We are a small Production Company located in the Las Vegas metro area. Our goal is to connect the average consumer as a subscriber, with local businesses as service providers within their community. We would like to add nine hundred and sixty featured Service Providers this year, and maintain a 3:1 ratio of Service Providers to Subscribers. Our Production Magazine is subscription based. As a Service Provider a one time set up fee is required plus a monthly subscription fee charged annually. This ensures that your business will be listed both online and hardcopy. The one time set up fee covers a custom............